[1 May - 31 May] For Dep. YAKUSHIMA  

Airline Flight No. Destination Scheduled Time Arrival time Remark reservation
3741 YAKUSHIMA 8:50 9:30 reservation
3743 YAKUSHIMA 10:30 11:10 reservation
3745 YAKUSHIMA 11:20 12:00 reservation
4333 YAKUSHIMA 11:20 12:00 Codeshare flights.(Operated by Japan Air Commuter) reservation
3753 YAKUSHIMA 15:20 16:00 reservation
4381 YAKUSHIMA 15:20 16:00 Codeshare flights.(Operated by Japan Air Commuter) reservation
3759 YAKUSHIMA 17:50 18:30 reservation
4337 YAKUSHIMA 17:50 18:30 Codeshare flights.(Operated by Japan Air Commuter) reservation

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